Sunday, August 25, 2013

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Re-finished Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the other day.

Things I like about HP #2:
- Mr. Weasley and his reaction to his sons driving his flying car around England.
- Mrs. Weasley FREAKING out at Ron in his Howler.
- Remembering the difference between Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick. Prof Sprout teaches Herbology. Prof Flitwick teaches Charms. (In the movies, Prof Flitwick is the little dude with the mustache. Since he is little, I think he should be named Prof Sprout...)
- Lockhart thinking that he had miraculously stopped the attacks and throwing awful Valentine's day festivities to celebrate what he thought was a victory.
- Ginny sent Harry a Valentine's Day 'musical message.'
- Dumbledore knows everything.
- Dumbledore, "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- Dobby.

Things I don't like about HP #2:
- Gilderoy Lockhart. Everything about him.
- Percy Weasley.
- Harry trusting the diary and what Riddle tells him over what he knows of Hagrid.
- Harry thinking that Riddle was a 'long-lost friend.'
- Aragog.
- Dobby.

I give year 2 a 6.5/10. I definitely think I remember them getting better as they went along.

Also, just found this Harry Potter Wiki. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Last Week

Matthew made me watch all of the Jurassic Park movies. I think I'd only seen one before. 
Can I just tell you how stupid those people are? 

Lets build some dinosaurs and charge people exorbitant amounts of money to come and look at them and then get eaten!

Fools. And then when things at the park go wrong, they just up and leave the island, leaving the dinosaurs to live on the island by themselves- and where people might wind up. Again. And again. And again.

Ooohh, a mysterious uninhabited island! Let's go check it out!
5 minutes later... EATEN.


And the last one. With the pterodactyls. When they leave the island they see the pterodactyls flying off the island- Oh they're just going to find a new home. Cool.

Those things just freaking tried to eat you! REPEATEDLY!!! Let's just let them roam the earth and eat whoever they freaking want.

Stupid. Not a fan.