Thursday, October 15, 2015

Things Overheard in Primary, Vol. 6

We got released from primary a couple weeks ago, cause we MOVED!
More on that later.
These are some lovelies that I found while cleaning out my bag.

Primary presidency lady, during sharing time, "What does it mean to have a 'hard heart'?"
7 year old in the back, "High cholesterol!!"

5 year old saying a prayer in our class, "Please bless that no more animals get hurt."
Me, "P, what animals are getting hurt?"
P, "Did you know that people throw stuff away in the ocean? And that hurts animals."
Me, "You're right buddy."

Same 5 year old, after I told him that we are moving and he will have a new primary teacher soon. "But why are you moving?!"
Me, "Because it is what is best for our family."
P, "It's not best for your family!"
Me, "Why not?"
P, "Because you're spending ALL your money!!!"
Me, "You're right P."

Munchkins. Silly.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back in School

School started for me a couple weeks ago, and Lincoln and I have already both been sick. 

Geography is one of my favorites, so that was lucky.

And the teenagers are still weird, which is good.

But Sunkist has been taken out of my diet, not great.

Friday, May 1, 2015


An 18 year old asked me out today. 
I'm 75% sure that he was kidding.

These kids keep me on my toes. I enjoy that.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Things Overheard in Primary, Vol. 5

4 year old in our class, very upset that another kid had just informed us all that he was 4, "Teacher, he stole my number!" Very upset.

4 year old girl in our class. Showing us her magic trick with a set of matching game cards. "Pick a card, any card. Now rememberize your card. Now give it back to me. I'm gonna put it in the middle of the deck..." as she is turning her back to whoever's turn it was to pick a card she started by putting it into the middle of the deck and then whipped the card back to the top of the deck. Turn back around, "Is this your card?!"

Yes. Yes it sure is.

My favorite part is that this worked on every other 4 year old.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

But Really

Let me start with a little bit of context for you:

Last night I had to pick Matt up after one of his games. We were talking about Lincoln (we've been switching him over to whole milk this week) and how he did with eating and drinking that day. A couple minutes of silence followed, and then...

Matt said: I don't understand how these things work.
Liz: Children?
Matt: Yeah.
Liz: Me neither.


At least he's cute.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dinner WIN.

Twice this last week I had a dinner win. This makes me feel awesome.
The first one was french bread pizza - which requires no recipe, but the second was this:

Slow Cooker Ground Beef Lasagna Soup - Aka, Lasagna Soup.

- 1 lb. ground beef (we have ground elk... cause its free, and delicious)
- 1 onion, chopped (we don't really choose to eat onions - I used a handful of dehydrated chopped onions)
- 10 3/4 oz. tomato soup, canned, condensed
- 14.5 oz. tomatoes, canned, petite diced
- 15 oz. tomato sauce, canned
- 2 chicken bouillon cubes
- 2 beef bouillon cubes
- 4 c. water
- 1 1/2 tsp. oregano
- 1 1/2 tsp. basil
- 1 tsp. parsley
- 2 tsp. garlic powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/4 tsp. pepper
- 8 oz. Ricotta Cheese
- 8 lasagna noodles, broken into small pieces - UNCOOKED (I may or may not have used 7... or 9. I lost count.)
- 12 oz. Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Combine onions, tomato soup, diced tomatoes and tomato sauce and place in the slow cooker.

Add all of the spices and bouillon cubes to the slow cooker.

Add water and spread your broken UNCOOKED lasagna noodle pieces all around. (do not use no-bake noodles, make sure they are regular lasagna noodles.)

Crumble RAW ground beef over top.

Cover. Cook on Low for 7-8 hours or on High for 4-5 hours.

Approximately half hour or so before done, stir in the Ricotta cheese.

Serve with shredded Mozzarella Cheese on top

DELICIOUS. Matthew liked it, took leftovers for lunch and said I could make it again. That, in itself is a triple win. Matthew is a picky eater - for that I blame his mother. I really do, and I'm not even sorry. So when I can find something that he eats and would eat again, W.I.N. Lincoln even liked it.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Things Overheard in Primary, Vol. 4

- 3 year old Sunbeam: giving a talk in sharing time, with help from her mother, started talking REALLY loud into the microphone, then whispering, then REALLY loud again, then whispering again. Back and forth at least 4 times.

- 7 year old giving a prayer for sharing time: Thankful for this day, all the plants, the trees, the animals, and our friends.

- 5 year old in class. Teacher was talking about a funny animal story (her brother’s dog’s birthday party): I went to Lilydog’s party! Other teacher and me, simultaneously, ‘In Iowa? YESTERDAY?’

- 7 year old giving opening prayer for primary: Please bless we can have a good day tomorrow.

- 6 year old, during singing time, looking at pictures of different clocks – identifying a grandfather clock: It’s a VAMPIRE clock!