Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lincolnisms 3

I'm pretty sure you can agree that Lincoln is hilarious. If you don't, you are wrong. Here are some recent examples.

No, not this show! This a people show. (he's pretty biased toward animated shows, I think that's alright)

L: I want to go to Papa's house, but I can't. (with a sad face)
Us: Why not?
L: Cause I small.

Mommy yours arms are big and your face is so smushy. Like a MARSHMALLOW!

Hey yo Momay!
Hey yo Daday!

Me: Lincoln we get to go to the zoo with grandma and Gigi! Gigi is a monkey.
L: Huh! Gigi is a monkey?!
Me: Yes.
L: And mama is a horse!
Me: ...Ok...
L: And they are stuck in cages!
Me: Oh.
L: We better go get them!

Baby Madness: FINAL FOUR

We are getting there people!! Baby Red is due in 3 weeks!

And rankings are as follows:
NameNumber Correct
Garrett Jensen$190
Eric Berntson$175
Lincoln SkabelundFree66
Barry ParslowFree54
Steph Loveland$153
Kurtis Loveland$181
Martin Skabelund$182
Shelley Skabelund$151
Jacob & TaylorFree50
Jaycey Bruno$164
Andy Skabelund$159
Adam Scott$158
Sharmi Lagge$155
Amber Wright$152
Jared Skabelund$151
Troy Holland$150
Kathleen Cottle$148
Dave Webb$146
Jonathan Mortensen$146
Patti McNeil$146
Ryan Eborn$128
Matt Evans$145
Nikki GardnerFree43
Michael TurneyFree40
Andrew Mortensen$140
Becky TurneyFree39
Kyle JohnsonFree38
Bo Roundy$137
Claudia MortensenFree37
Sarah ParslowFree35
Whitney MensinkFree34
Ryker Goodrich$134
Mike BoamFree33
Tatum WinslowFree32
Chuck Parsons$132
Rachael MortensenFree31
Joel MortensenFree30
Brad MortensenFree29
Rich Lagge$128
Jeff McNeil$128
Alicia CaldwellFree28
Nathan MensinkFree27
Danielle Goodrich$127
Brandon Birch$127
Rachael Mortensen 2$127
Cara Lagge$126
Karen Parsons$126
Ben & AngelaFree26
Kate ParslowFree25
Bryan Congdon$124
Derek Miller$123
Michael MortensenFree23
Justin Goodrich$119
Chet Goodrich$18