Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Birthday: TWO!

Friday was Lincoln's second birthday. We had been telling him that it was coming for at least a week and he was getting it. After he went to bed Thursday night I blew up balloons into his room for him to wake up to. And when he woke up he was so excited, "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!"
I was proactive enough to get up earlier than him to make him birthday pancakes. Banana pancakes. Yummy!

He got a few little presents during the day, and got to go get a special birthday treat with grandma; he chose a red velvet cupcake. And we went to dinner with grandma and grandpa.

Then we had a family birthday party for him on Saturday. Ate lots of pizza and cake!

I let him choose the frosting for his cake, he chose orange frosting with star sprinkles!

Happy birthday baby boy!

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