Sunday, May 15, 2016

Baby Madness: Sweet Sixteen

We have the names whittled down to 16 now.
And the updated rankings are found below:

NameNumber Correct
Garrett Jensen$146
Sharmi Lagge$143
Jared Skabelund$143
Andy Skabelund$143
Barry ParslowFree42
Martin Skabelund$142
Lincoln SkabelundFree42
Matt Evans$141
Kathleen Cottle$140
Eric Berntson$139
Dave Webb$138
Kurtis Loveland$137
Michael TurneyFree36
Jaycey Bruno$136
Amber Wright$136
Sarah ParslowFree35
Becky TurneyFree35
Jonathan Mortensen$134
Bo Roundy$133
Tatum WinslowFree32
Andrew Mortensen$132
Jacob & TaylorFree30
Adam Scott$130
Joel MortensenFree30
Whitney MensinkFree30
Kyle JohnsonFree30
Patti McNeil$130
Troy Holland$130
Brad MortensenFree29
Claudia MortensenFree29
Steph Loveland$129
Rich Lagge$128
Jeff McNeil$128
Nikki GardnerFree27
Nathan MensinkFree27
Shelley Skabelund$127
Danielle Goodrich$127
Cara Lagge$126
Karen Parsons$126
Mike BoamFree25
Kate ParslowFree25
Ryan Eborn$124
Alicia CaldwellFree24
Bryan Congdon$124
Chuck Parsons$124
Brandon Birch$123
Rachael MortensenFree23
Derek Miller$123
Michael MortensenFree23
Ben & AngelaFree22
Ryker Goodrich$122
Justin Goodrich$119
Rachael Mortensen 2$119
Chet Goodrich$18

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Lincolnisms 2

The other morning as we were on our way out the door, I had to go back upstairs because I had forgotten something. Lincoln said, "Are you serious mommy!?"

I guess I say that one too much.

With his own toes in hand... "Dis wittle piggy went to da market, and dis big piggy went to bed!"

"I puff and blow yours house down!"

As we were getting ready for bed the other night, "Mommy, I need choklat in mine mouth!"

Monday, May 2, 2016

Baby Madness Update

The first round of Baby Madness 2: The Sequel has been completed!

If you were one of the cool kids that submitted a bracket, see below for your rank after the first round of eliminations took place.

NameNumber Correct
Matt Evans$127
Garrett Jensen$126
Kathleen Cottle$126
Sharmi Lagge$125
Barry ParslowFree24
Martin Skabelund$124
Dave Webb$124
Michael TurneyFree24
Jacob & TaylorFree24
Jared Skabelund$123
Eric Berntson$123
Sarah ParslowFree23
Becky TurneyFree23
Jaycey Bruno$122
Amber Wright$122
Tatum WinslowFree22
Andy Skabelund$121
Kurtis Loveland$121
Brad MortensenFree21
Lincoln SkabelundFree20
Adam Scott$120
Joel MortensenFree20
Rich Lagge$120
Ryan Eborn$120
Claudia MortensenFree19
Steph Loveland$119
Nikki GardnerFree19
Nathan MensinkFree19
Shelley Skabelund$119
Mike BoamFree19
Kate ParslowFree19
Jonathan Mortensen$118
Andrew Mortensen$118
Whitney MensinkFree18
Kyle JohnsonFree18
Patti McNeil$118
Jeff McNeil$118
Cara Lagge$118
Alicia CaldwellFree18
Bo Roundy$117
Danielle Goodrich$117
Brandon Birch$117
Troy Holland$116
Karen Parsons$116
Bryan Congdon$116
Rachael MortensenFree15
Derek Miller$115
Justin Goodrich$115
Chuck Parsons$114
Ben & AngelaFree14
Ryker Goodrich$114
Michael MortensenFree13
Rachael Mortensen 2$111
Chet Goodrich$16

Check back in a couple weeks to see the results of the second round of eliminations.

Also, have we talked about the fact that Lincoln wants to name the baby Red?