These are all from last year, but I fell off the blog, so its ok.
Driving to or last summer movie, I was making him guess what movie it was- told him the names of some of the characters...
L "Is it SING?!"
Me "Yes!"
L "I don't like that movie."
M "What!"
In his prayer one night...
Me "What are you thankful for?"
L "My toys. And blankets!"
Is his father's son, has to look at a golf magazine when he poops.
Talking about skittles, "I like the blue ones cause the blue ones are blue."
"Mom, do my farts sound like motorcycles?"
Pointing to the last orange segment in his bowl, "Its your turn, after this guy's turn (points to the orange segment in his mouth)."
We've been listening to Disney songs in the car, sleeping beauty song comes on...
L "What kinda show is this?"
Me "Sleeping beauty."
L "Is there a bad guy?"
M "The queen is the bad guy."
L "What kind of meatball show is this?"
At the bank in the drive through...
L "Hey I've seen that girl before."
Me "You have?"
L "Yeah, she was on the stage. Practicing her moves."
M "Her dance moves?"
L "Yes. And I have fight moves."
M "That's awesome! Do I have any moves?"
L "No. You have skills."
M "Oh, I like that I have skills."
L "Yeah, turning on shows skills."
M "Oh."
Laying on my bed together, I have my eyes closed and feel something right in front of my face, I open my eyes and there is a plastic horse staring back at me.
L "The horse has chosen you mom."
Me "Oh, okay."
L "This is your zord." (had been watching lots of Power Rangers)
M "Okay."
L "And the T Rex is my zord."
Wheeeeeeeeendows = Windows
L "Can we get a breathe snout?"
Me "A what?"
L "A mask that lets you breathe underwater. A BREATHE SNOUT."
M "OH!"
Had just called me a snickerdoodle.
Me "What's a snickerdoodle?"
L "I don't know."
M "Its a cookie."
L "I just called you a 'tookie' cause you're so yummy and sweet!"
L "Well, when I'm four I can watch Jack Skellington and not be afraid."
Me "I don't think that Jack Skellington is scary. Do you?"
L "Well, he doesn't have eyes."
M "Ha! Nope, he doesn't. Good point."
L "And I'm only three years old.
M "Yes, that's right. You are only three."
At the end of his letter to Santa, "Thank you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!"
These are the best! I was reading them to my students one day,and they weren't even laughing. They have no play! SL