Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Lincolnisms XIII

As he's playing at my friend Brooke's house, I get this text from her:
L: "Watch me dribble!"
B: "Do you like to play basketball?"
L: "I have a big butt, so maybe I can. So I can bump people."

Walked outside, immediately, "Mom! I know that crow voice anywhere!"
Me: "You do?"
L: "Yes. Its my old friend crow-do! We were best friends until I was 2."

L: "Mom, I've got a little bit of a crush on Elle." (a little girl that was on his soccer team)
Us (Matt and me): "What does that mean?"
L: "It means that you want to always stand next to the person you have a crush on."

"Dad, it looks like the 80s on this show! Look, its all gray!"

At the end of a story he told my mom, "Amen."

Telling Grayson what toys grandma's house has. "Grandma Claudia has lots of toys. She even has stuff to build houses with, ABRAHAM WOOD!"

Matt: "What happened to cute, little Lincoln?"
L: "He turned into big, nasty Lincoln!"

"The day after tomorrow's tomorrow." = 2 days from now

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