Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Christmas is about Jesus right?
I wish that we focused more on Him during the holiday. We try. Something to continually work on at our house, that's for sure. So.

Update: When Matthew and I were engaged, we bought the book I Believe in Santa Claus and have made it a point to make it our family tradition to read it each Christmas eve.  We forgot the book this year and since a 3 minute drive is obviously out of the question, as we were going to bed we tried to remember as much of the book as we could. It is a good book that shows similarities between Santa Claus and Jesus Christ. Look it up.
For Christmas, we spent the eve over at the Skabelund's. Played all of the Christmas eve games, I lost every time. I won Christmas bingo after everyone stopped playing. As per my existence. That is ok though. We 'watched' the Grinch while playing games. Then we started to watch the Polar Express, but never finished it. Thas ok.
At my parents' house, you aren't allowed to wake anyone up for Christmas. They have to wake up on their own. And you don't get to open anything until everyone is up.  At the Skabelund's, we woke up at 830. Not my favorite. Then we waited for food to be ready. Then we ate. Then was gifts. Lots of good stuff showed up this year.
My favorite:
The sign, not the socks (no offense). Matthew thought I was kidding when I told him that I wanted this. I wasn't.
The rest of the holiday was good and enjoyable.
How was your Christmas?

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