Thursday, February 7, 2013

Student Teaching: 3

Today was a really crappy day. The first one that I've had in my student teaching. My lessons went fine, and we accomplished everything that I wanted to. BUT there are some kids in my 3rd and 6th periods that just made my day crappy. I hate that.
In Ancient World History, we were talking about Ways of Life in China. 2nd hour went really well. Those children get a gold star, each. 3rd hour, there are about SIX boys that are all kinds of chatty. I had to struggle to restrain myself from saying very bad words to these children.[Very bad words that I don't even say!] They make my life difficult. I do understand that it is right before lunch, but SERIOUSLY children?!
In U.S. History, we were talking about our National Anthem. Much like my other classes, 5th hour went really well. I even let them do some group work. 6th hour, I have 3 boys that are just crazy LOUD. One in particular.
Today slayed me.
Today was a day that if I had wanted to start drinking, today would be a good day to start.
Today is a day where I wish that I owned a machete or something. Not to use on the children (but to use on things that I imagined were the children). Just so that I can cut and smash some stuff up. Is that too much to ask?
Now that I've written it down, I am ready to put it away, because I have to go back to school tomorrow.
Oh the children.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! Sometimes it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole bunch. Hope tomorrow is much better for you. Hugs!
