Monday, May 6, 2013

Bucket Listing

This past weekend I was able to realize one of my life goals and bucket list items. All-in-one.
What did I do?!
I became a college graduate!!
That's right.
I think my mom has better pictures from the actual graduation. Maybe I'll see those one day.
Danielle took some good ones after- at my house...

I'm pretty legit. You can write that in your journal.


  1. LOVE how you and Matt are all matchy-matchy! :) And congratulations. You're a rock star! SL

  2. Yay! Congrats Liz! It feels amazing, doesn't it? Do you have a job yet? or are you just starting to look? I'm excited for you! Miss you girlie.

  3. And I love how Matt is actually looking at the camera AND smiling. Congrats to you!!!
