Thursday, July 10, 2014

One Book Wonder

Having babies puts a damper on reading books. Sharmi agrees, I'm pretty sure. 

I finally finished the book I was reading to take a break from the HP's, but I'm not quite ready to go back to him just yet.

I need some suggestions for a one book wonder author to read next and then I'll get back to HP.



  1. Amen, sister! I started the HP movie marathon yesterday. I got #1 done, but it took most of the day. I'm hopeful to get more done this week and next. I just read "The Angel's Game" by Zafon, which I really liked, but most of my book club disagrees so maybe not. Did you read "The Help"? Excellent! And there's always my all-time favorite, "To Kill A Mockingbird". BEST. BOOK. EVER. SL

  2. That's a good one! I like that series too! SL
