Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Baby Madness 3: The Trilogy, Round 4

We are getting close.

Bracket update after round 4:

And the standings:

I don't know if anyone can catch Andrew. I guess we'll see!

Lincolnisms XIII

As he's playing at my friend Brooke's house, I get this text from her:
L: "Watch me dribble!"
B: "Do you like to play basketball?"
L: "I have a big butt, so maybe I can. So I can bump people."

Walked outside, immediately, "Mom! I know that crow voice anywhere!"
Me: "You do?"
L: "Yes. Its my old friend crow-do! We were best friends until I was 2."

L: "Mom, I've got a little bit of a crush on Elle." (a little girl that was on his soccer team)
Us (Matt and me): "What does that mean?"
L: "It means that you want to always stand next to the person you have a crush on."

"Dad, it looks like the 80s on this show! Look, its all gray!"

At the end of a story he told my mom, "Amen."

Telling Grayson what toys grandma's house has. "Grandma Claudia has lots of toys. She even has stuff to build houses with, ABRAHAM WOOD!"

Matt: "What happened to cute, little Lincoln?"
L: "He turned into big, nasty Lincoln!"

"The day after tomorrow's tomorrow." = 2 days from now

Grasonian Wisdom II

Bear Up Down = Pooh Bear

Up Up Away = Tigger

A-dot-a-doo = Octopus

Aaht-a-hoo = Captain Hook = any pirate, pirate symbol, pirate ship

Friday, June 28, 2019

Baby Madness 3: The Trilogy, Rounds 2 & 3

Here is the bracket after Round 2:

And the standings:

And now Round 3:

And the standings:

Andrew is sitting pretty for now. High5.

We just hit 35 weeks, and I've never made it past 38.5. So hopefully about 3 more weeks until baby joins us!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Baby Madness 3: The Trilogy, Round 1

We have finished the first round of eliminations. Here is the updated bracket...

And here are the standings...

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Baby Madness 3: The Trilogy

Baby boy #3 is on his way! He is due August 1st.

Baby Madness Brackets are now available:

 Please fill one out and send it back our way. You get to choose between putting a dollar into the pot (for the grand prize) or entering a free bracket. We have a bunch of paper copies too.


Overheard in Primary (a new edition)

I'm back in Primary. Yay? Sometimes.
Kids are funny.

During Sharing Time (which no longer exists): "How can we show Heavenly Father that we are thankful for our clothes?"
Must have been a 7 year old, "By not taking them off!"

"Why was Jesus Baptized?"
"Cause He's the BEST!"

Sat with Sunbeams one week: Sitting next to a little girl. She shows me a small rosette flower on her dress, "Look at my flower. Do you think it's cute?"
"Yes. It's very cute."

Same little girl has a twin sister, they couldn't sit next to each other without hug attacking each other. I sat between them for a couple minutes, then look at the  same one, she's got the saddest face. "I just need a hug!"
"Ok, I can give you a hug."
"I just miss my sister. I want her to come back!"

Lincolnisms XII

Yummy Tummers = Rice Crispy Treats. I get it.

Million dollar idea: "Potty World. Kids flush to go down the slide."

"Mom, gotta go pod." AKA potty.

I'm sitting on the floor folding laundry, there's a couple used dryer sheets next to me.
"Uh, mom? Do sometimes clothes shed their old skin?"

L: "Does this pasume you?"
Me: "What does pasume mean?"
L: "It means you like it more better."

Outside at my mom's house, Me: "Where's Andrew?"
L: "He's in the courtyard."
M: "Where's the courtyard?"
L: "It's on the block."
There is no courtyard on the block. Or in the neighborhood.

L: "I'm a little jealous to go on the airplane."
Me: "Jealous? We're taking you with us... Do you mean nervous?
L: "Yes. Nervous."

L: "Dad, did you put gubble gum in you?:
Matt: "I don't know what gubble gum is."
L: "Its gum that tastes so good it wants to eat your heart!"
M: "Oh, then no."

"Graysone. You better make a fart before you start!"

"Mom, when you go to your lady parties, do you have a disco ball and a DJ?"

Bad word replacements: "Heck of a mother, son on a beach!" Whoops.

L: "Mom, we need to go fast!"
Me: "How fast?"
L: "As fast as a camel on Wednesday running to a birthday party at a castle 100 miles away!"
M: ?

"Its raining, its raining! The puddles are drawering, draining." 

Watching Wonder Woman, "Whoa! She's stronger than an elephant on 3 legs!"


Told him that all the stuff he has put into his play dough has ruined it, and that it needs to be thrown away. He cupped it in his hands and whispered to it, "I'm sorry I let you down play dough!" And then immediately started bawling.

Grasonian Wisdom

Diioshe = Dinosaur. Usually followed by a ROAR.

Buuooo = More

Peeww = Gun

In response to any question, "Ummmmmmm"

Aat = Lincoln

Guoko = Gecko

Bear Pooh = Winnie the Pooh

Me: "Can I help you?"
G: "Uh ugh, Beeb!"