Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Grasonian Wisdom III

Wheee ha = Cowboy
Wheee haaaaaaaaaa = Cowgirl

Trying to get him to say his name; Matt: "Say Gray..."
G: "Gray!"
M: "Say son..."
G: "Up in the sky!"
M: "I guess his new name is Grayupinthesky."

Who Who = Grandma/Grandpa

Hot chips = Doritos

Stopped behind the giant carpool line.
G: "Mom! Go!"
Me: "There's nowhere to go. We have to wait."
G:"Mom! My yo [(color) red] stop! Your yo[green] go!"
M: "You're right. Good job buddy."

At the grocery store.
Me: "We just need to get potatoes and then we're done. Can you say Potatoes?"
Other lady at the store, whips around and smiles/chuckles.

"Mom, bebe ahh whowho woowoo" = Mom, I found grandma's car

Hey babe, how's your X?
G: "Dood."

Hee Hee = Haley

Broo ah brootie = Brooks's nickname

Ou yamly = our family. A picture of us or anything in a group of 5; blocks, his toes, ribbons on Brooks's toy

Won't say his name. Has maybe said it 3 times ever. Asks all the time to go to school.
Me: "You can't go to school if you can't say your name!"
G: "Daydin, daydin, daydin, daydin, daydin!" [GraysonGraysonGraysonGraysonGrayson]
M: dumbfounded 👀

Leaving to a movie with whowho and whompah [evolved whowho for grandpa]. He has a toy in his hoody pocket.
Me: "Grayson, you've got to leave your toy here so it doesn't get lost at the movies."
G: "Mmmm, isst tineee one." [Mmmm, it's just a tiny one.] with his fingers showing me that it's small.

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