Friday, September 28, 2012

Raise your hand if you care.

When I have a hard time falling asleep I think of things that I can blog about. 2 nights ago I more than quadrupled my list, so I decided to start cutting it down and blogging anything. Before I do, please raise your hand if you care.
What do I mean by that? Really? I am under no disillusion that many masses of people read my blog. But I do know that some of you do. Like what I've said? Tell me. Did you know that you can leave comments on each of my blog posts? Truth. Hate something that I said? Tell me, nicely. When I ask a question to the masses, I would like more than one or two comments. Wouldn't you? Let's see... anything else?... Don't think so.
Look at what I'm growing!!

It just keeps growing and growing. Don't worry, my pumpkin plant has at least 5 giant vines but only 2 pumpkins- both on the same vine. The other one is not quite as big. I am proud of them though.
I don't know what else to say for now, I'll work some more on my list later.
Later, yo.


  1. Here I am...commenting! Really you only need two for and one for Matt. Perfect!

  2. Sweet pumpkin! And please keep blogging. I read faithfully! :)

  3. I'm jealous of your big pumpkin. We planted pumpkins too and I don't know what happened - maybe I need to check the packet label again - but we got about 10 pumpkins but they're all small ones. Not even close to the size of a soccer ball. I think maybe they're pie pumpkins. So I just put them on the front porch. Maybe we'll paint some.... But yay that you have big one cause you can carve them. I love carving pumpkins. Miss you!

  4. I'm here I care!!

  5. I read your blog. :) Sometimes I am just slow getting to it.

  6. I read your blog Lizzy! It make me miss you and think back to simpler times when we used to hang out. Good times. Do you read my blog?

  7. I read your blog. Because I like it. Keep it up.
