Monday, September 3, 2012

So, Remember How...

I had to start this blog for one of my classes last semester? It would only be fitting that I have to use it for another class along the way. SO. As a word to the wise, I will be required to create 6 blog posts for my SCED 4200 class throughout this semester. Why am I telling you this? So you won't have to read them. Unless you want to. If you even read the blog.
These 6 upcoming posts will include a disclaimer for any actual readers that don't want to read my assignments. Blah blah blah. Titled with SCED, first line: posting for my class, boring as all get out = no need to bother.
Also, remember how I have 3 assignments due this Wednesday? RUDE.
On a lighter note, can we all just love and remember the fact that I got to fill out the first step of my graduation packet last week? Thank. You.
Second light note, Jacob comes home Wednesday. Yes.
Any questions? Good.

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