Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday School Soapbox

Want to know something awful?
Matthew and I get to teach 12 year old Sunday School.
That's not the awful part. Just wait.
Imagine that you are me. A 23 year old girl. There are 5 12-13 year old boys in your class. And you have to teach them about chastity. 'What is chastity?' Good question young one. When I explain it to them- chastity is staying morally or sexually clean- half of them look up with a horrified expression and then look to the floor for the remainder of the lesson, one starts to giggle cause I just said sex, and the rest continue to sit in silence.
Joy. While this is a very important topic for these small people to learn, I wish that I didn't have to teach them about it. I made Matthew help with the strongest quotation, he thanked me for that later. And when we were finishing up we asked for questions, one of the boys said, 'If I have questions, I'll just ask my dad- not you.' That's fine. Please do talk to your dad about it.
Since the missionary age change happened, and the senior year of high school has turned into the freshman year of college, these kids need to know this stuff now. There is no time for them to learn by trial and error.
I'm no parent, this we know, but do you teach your kids about this stuff before they are 13? Or is that just too hopeful?
Don't know- don't judge.


  1. This is HILARIOUS!!! i wish I could have been in your class...but I would have been giggling and looking at the floor....also as a parent...NO I do not plan on teaching my innocent children ANYTHING I am going for the locking them up through the teenage years(read Hormonephase) And in case of emergency sending them to my mom. I turned out great. She obviously knows her stuff.

    1. Your kids are still young, they can stay innocent. But what about when they are older?

  2. What grade are they? Sixth? Up here 5th grade girls get "the video" in school, and then in 6th grade both the boys and the girls get a "video" (shown separately). They don't show the videos until spring, though. Lately my favorite line to my teen kids (they know a couple of church-going teens who are pregnant) is, "Christians have sex too." Gotta be SMART! More education is always better. And if parents aren't going to teach it, someone needs to!

    1. I think they are 7th and 8th. SMART is what I'm talking about.

  3. Can't believe those kids are 13 and still don't know! Crazy town! So yeah, Mike and I teach our kids when they are younger than that. You HAVE to anymore because of all the crap on TV and school that they are exposed to.
