Sunday, June 9, 2013

Have We Talked About...?

My total lack of motivation for doing anything lately? Cause it's still here. And I don't know what to do about it. Any suggestions? They would be greatly appreciated, even if not followed... Just a heads up.

What's new?
Not a whole lot. I took a couple days off this past week. 

Matthew and I went to a show with the Skabelund's in Salt Lake. Jersey Boys. It was pretty good. But there were at least 34 'f' words that I could have done without. Oh well. Also, I don't know how I am the only person in America (it seemed like) who had never heard of The Four Seasons before. I guess I've only ever heard covers of their bazillion songs. Thanks to the Knudsen Brothers - aka SIX. (SHOUTOUT)

Matthew and I went to the zoo with my sister Danielle and her sons, Mr. C and Mr. R.

It was fun and HOT. If you were planning a trip there in the sometime future, we suggest you wait until summer 2014. There will be a lot more to see once the 'African Savanna' area is completed.

That very same day, we woke up to find out that we had a new nephew!!

Cute little, brand new Mr. A.
I'm a fan. Matthew hasn't had the pleasure of meeting him yet.
Oh and today I re-realized why we have been stuck in Sunday School for 2 years, and will probably be stuck forever. Matthew was a horrible Sunday School student. So now we are continually plagued with unruly children (ahem, young adults) who do not care. Thanks babe.
That's about it for me. How is your summer coming?


  1. Love the zoo shots...and the beautiful baby. Gotta know: how do you do those collage photos like that??? Very cool! SL

    1. It's an app on my phone called Pic Stitch. I'm a fan.

  2. Now that I am cool like you and have a smart phone I will check it out. You should come up here and tutor me on my phone! :)
