Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Month, Almost

Member that one time that I made a sweeter than awesome calendar? Matthew is in charge of updating it each month. He just made it be October and was really excited about the top...

He told me a few times that he made a bloody 2012. He's cute.
Happy sabbath, and October.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Raise your hand if you care.

When I have a hard time falling asleep I think of things that I can blog about. 2 nights ago I more than quadrupled my list, so I decided to start cutting it down and blogging anything. Before I do, please raise your hand if you care.
What do I mean by that? Really? I am under no disillusion that many masses of people read my blog. But I do know that some of you do. Like what I've said? Tell me. Did you know that you can leave comments on each of my blog posts? Truth. Hate something that I said? Tell me, nicely. When I ask a question to the masses, I would like more than one or two comments. Wouldn't you? Let's see... anything else?... Don't think so.
Look at what I'm growing!!

It just keeps growing and growing. Don't worry, my pumpkin plant has at least 5 giant vines but only 2 pumpkins- both on the same vine. The other one is not quite as big. I am proud of them though.
I don't know what else to say for now, I'll work some more on my list later.
Later, yo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2001

I know that everyone has something to say about this today, but nobody reads my blog so I can say what I want.
This morning I was working on my Visual Image Analysis Paper that I had put off till last night.  I had chosen a picture of the World Trade Center between jet attacks.  Its a really moving picture. Don't believe me? I'll show you.
While writing my paper I got the chance to reflect on my own experience of this day 11 years ago...
  The news was on as I was getting ready for school that day, I saw the story but didn't think anything of it.  Kinda just thought it had been an accident.  By the time I got to school, the second plane had crashed.  We watched the news throughout the day in some of our classes.  Some of my teachers didn't want us to see it, that or the principal.  But other teachers decided that we needed to watch it.  I'm glad they did.  Being only 12 years old at that time, I didn't really understand what was going on.  My teachers who had the news on in their classrooms were able to explain some of what was happening, but not why.  There were other students in the school who had family in the World Trade Center and around it that day, those kids went home.  I don't remember more from that day or what I learned about the attacks after that day.
I have added the September 11th Memorial onto my Bucket List.
What do you remember of that day?

Brother Missionaries

Don't you love how sharp both of these boys, AHEM, Men, look!?

Jacob is home from Chicago now, and Jonathan leaves shortly to Spokane.  These kids make me feel old.  I hope that they feel old too.
Love you brother and brother.

Monday, September 3, 2012

SCED 4200: Introduction

Hello all, I am Liz Skabelund. I am studying Social Studies Composite Teaching. I would love to teach 9th grade Geography or US History in high school.
In my time away from school and work I enjoy hanging out with my husband, Matthew.
I also love to read, watch movies, sew quilts, and lounge around.
Formerly Liz Mortensen of the Mortensen clan of Syracuse, UT. I am the 3rd child out of 9. Graduated high school in '07 from Clearfield High School. I have been studying at Utah State University since that fall. (Don't even start talking to me about how long I've been studying, I'm almost done)
I want to teach social studies because when I was going to school, those were the classes that I enjoyed the most. I had teachers that engaged the class, brought in new mediums to teach us with, and listened to the concerns of their students. These teachers made the classes enjoyable for me.
What is literacy to me? I think in class the other day I defined it as: the ability to read and/or understand and then apply information that is presented through text, object, lecture, conversation, observation, or other form of communication. (or something like that)

So, Remember How...

I had to start this blog for one of my classes last semester? It would only be fitting that I have to use it for another class along the way. SO. As a word to the wise, I will be required to create 6 blog posts for my SCED 4200 class throughout this semester. Why am I telling you this? So you won't have to read them. Unless you want to. If you even read the blog.
These 6 upcoming posts will include a disclaimer for any actual readers that don't want to read my assignments. Blah blah blah. Titled with SCED, first line: posting for my class, boring as all get out = no need to bother.
Also, remember how I have 3 assignments due this Wednesday? RUDE.
On a lighter note, can we all just love and remember the fact that I got to fill out the first step of my graduation packet last week? Thank. You.
Second light note, Jacob comes home Wednesday. Yes.
Any questions? Good.