Thursday, June 28, 2012

Two Days of Grill-Time Last Week

As the title says, we got to grill twice last week. We're pretty legit. Or at least we think we are. The first night it was impromptu, 'let's make dinner, ooh let's make burgers!' So we found a recipe on line...

1 1/2 Pounds Ground Beef Chuck (We used 2 lbs. They come in 1 lb. packages...)
1 Tablespoon Seasoning Salt
1 Envelope Onion and Mushroom Soup (I had the generic kind. And we decided that half an envelope would work better.)
1 Cup Buttermilk Ranch (I just used regular ranch.)

Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat. In a bowl mix beef, seasoning salt, onion soup, and ranch together well. Shape into 4 patties. (4 PATTIES WOULD BE HUGE! I made 9.) Cook over hot charcoal, 7 minutes per side. (Once again, we use a gas grill, Matthew's baby.)

They didn't stay together the greatest for us, next time I would use an egg to keep it together. I thought that that would be a good idea, but as I'd never made the recipe before, I was hesitant to just add it in. I really enjoyed them though. The onion soup made the burgers look like there were worms crawling out of the burger, but! THEY WERE GOOD.

Have you ever had grilled pineapple? You should have grilled pineapple. Why? Cause It. Is. AWESOME.

1 Fresh Pineapple - peeled, cored, and cut into 1 inch slices
1/4 Teaspoon Honey
3 Tablespoons Melted Butter
1 Dash Hot Pepper Sauce (I used Chili Powder)
Salt to Taste

Place pineapple in a large resealable plastic bag. Add honey, melted butter, hot pepper sauce, and salt. Seal bag and shake to coat evenly. Marinate in the fridge for at least a half an hour, preferably overnight. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat, and lightly oil grate. Grill pineapple for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until heated through and grill marks appear.

Yeah, its good. You are welcome.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who Doesn't Love Cookies?

No one. No one doesn't love cookies. Everyone loves cookies. Everyone does.
My friend Kaderade asked me recently to make some more of the special cookies I've made him before that are GREAT.
Sugar Cookies with Kool-Aid frosting. I know what you're thinking, sugar cookies when its not Christmas? Trust me, they are good anytime. Try them.

STEVEN'S SUGAR COOKIES (from Daddy K's wife)
1 Cup Margarine (I use butter cause I don't buy margarine not in tubs)
2 Cups Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Cup Sour Cream
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
4 Teaspoons Baking Powder
4 1/2 Cups Flour
1/2 Teaspoon Salt

Cream margarine and sugar together. Add eggs, sour cream, and vanilla. Add dry ingredients. Dough will be sticky, use lots of flour to roll out to 1/4" to 1/2" thick. Bake at 350 for 7 minutes.

Not too bad. The dough is REALLY sticky. Really sticky. Super good though. Frosting next.

1 Pound Powdered Sugar
1/4 Cup Shortening
1/4 Cup Water
1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla
1/4 Teaspoon Almond Extract
1/4 Teaspoon Butter Extract
1/4 Teaspoon Salt

Cream all ingredients together. May need more water if it gets too hard to work with. Dye with a packet of Kool-Aid to taste. (I use one envelope. My favorite so far is Mango. Yum.)

They look good right? Cause they are. My frosting kinda separated, my bad. Also, I only own 2 cookie cutters. A star, and a Christmas tree. And a circle wasn't going to work for me today. Not sorry.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

We LOVE Crepe Sundays

Before we got married we talked about having crepes at least one Sunday each month and a family member would be in charge of choosing their favorite crepe topping for that month. We've done pretty well with it so far, I mean, we've only had crepe Sunday about 3 times since last May, but at least we had some! Today was Stake Conference, we slept in and had crepes. You're welcome Matthew. This recipe is from the all-famous Killpack Cookbook. (SHOUTOUT) Its nearly impossible to grow up in Syracuse and not leave with one (that's a good thing).

Egg Cakes (Crepes, duh.) (from Brian Wallace)

1 Cup Flour
1 1/2 Cups Milk
2 Eggs
3 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
1/8 Teaspoon Salt  (I just realized as I'm typing this, that I forgot the salt. Whoops.)

In a blender, combine all ingredients together adding flour last.  Blend together on low until smooth.  Heat an 8" skillet and spray surface with non-stick cooking oil.  Pour slowly and tilt pan from side to side until batter covers bottom.  Cook until first side begins to turn golden brown then flip over using a rubber spatula.  Makes approximately 10-12 crepes.

So, I didn't use a blender. Have we talked about my kitchen yet? How about my 100 year old house? Our whole upstairs apartment runs on ONE electrical breaker. When we use too many appliances at the same time, we flip the breaker. If the ac is ever turned on and you want to use anything else in the kitchen (like the microwave, mixer, blender) you most def have to turn the ac off while using the other appliance. This morning, I. Was. Hot. So I didn't turn of the ac. Or use the blender. I mixed it all up in a bowl. Old school.

When you put the batter into the skillet/ frying pan, swirl it around in a circle so that your crepes are circular and evenly battered all around. I usually end up with a baby crepe for my first and last crepes. Its ok, they still taste good.

Today we ate our crepes with Nutella, strawberries, peanut butter, and whipped cream. We are legit when it comes to crepes. And we like them. The end.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Did You Know...

that studying, writing papers, and taking tests during the summer blows? Truth.

that Mac n' Cheese with Hotdogs is one of my favorite things since being small? Fact.

that Matthew's initials are M. M. and mine are E. E.? C'est vrai.

that I like buttons and have started a small collection? Its true, I can see them sitting on my coffee table.

that this week has been a rollercoaster? Not a fun one.

that I get to wear pink and purple shirts to work now? I wore pink today.

that Martin could still do this?

I think he surprised us all last night. We still didn't win :(.

that I love Sunkist? You didn't? Then you must not know me.

that I am listening to Glee on Pandora? Total Eclipse of the Heart.

that I am still avoiding writing my paper? Stupid Fall of the Roman Empire.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Softball Hottie

New Member of the Family, not funny? I laughed to myself as I started writing it. Dangit.

Member how I said Matthew was playing softball? He's playing for a team in the Mendon league and his team is half old guys and half young guys. Last night he hit is first HOME RUN!! Look at how good he looks in his uniform...
Yeah! Here's another one...
I think he looks good. He's playing 3rd base. And I'm pretty sure that it is not his favorite. But it may not be his favorite because hardly anyone else on his team takes it as seriously as he does. And no one else tries as hard as he does to win. They have played 5 games and their closest score has been 12 to 18. Last night they lost 9 to 22..... :( Its a good thing that they play in Mendon so that he can cool off on the long drive back home. Maybe next week. Maybe. But even if not, I still like him.

Last night when we got home, I made the BEST milkshakes [you're welcome Matthew]. They included Dreyer's vanilla ice cream, fresh sliced-frozen strawberries, and Minute Maid Tropical Punch. They were awesome. Just saying.

As if the milkshakes weren't enough treat for the night, I made some Banana Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting. [Don't worry, we didn't eat them until this morning.] Recipe? Sure...
This comes from the kitchen of the Skabelunds. But I also had them at grandma Karen's house, so I don't know where it came from. Somewhere in that line. But Shelley gave me a giant stack of recipes that she knows Matthew will eat. These were included...

1/2 Cup Softened Margarine (I used butter, didn't think it would make a difference)
2 Cups Sugar
3 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Mashed Ripe Bananas (I used 2 bananas that I had saved in the freezer)
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
2 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt

Cream together margarine and sugar. Beat in eggs, bananas, and vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt; add to creamed mixture. (I didn't combine the dry ingredients separately, just put them in the same bowl and combined them all.) Mix well. Pour into a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 25 minutes at 350. Let cool. (Member my mini oven? I had to flip the cookie sheet around half way through. Then they were done earlier than expected. Basically my oven is severely inconsistent. Rude)

1/2 Cup Softened Butter
1 8oz. Package Cream Cheese, Softened
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 Teaspoons Vanilla

Cream butter and cream cheese together. Gradually add sugar and vanilla. Beat well and spread over cooled bars. (We own a beater, but I'm pretty sure that I've only used it once since we got it for our wedding. [Please don't tell those nice people that bought it for us.] Last night I used a fork, the sugar being gradually added kept getting harder and harder to stir with my fork, pretty sure my right bicep is swollen today. Maybe, not.)

The bars could have used a little more banana, and they were a tad bit too done, but the frosting is DELICIOUS. I'm not disappointed, but Matthew hasn't said that they were good and he's only eaten one. That is usually a bad sign. But do not be deterred, they are great.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A New Member of the Family

We added a member to our family this week!
Isn't that nice? Matthew loves it.

I didn't get to be there for the inaugural grilling though. That rite was reserved for Matthew and his man-friends. But tonight we grilled some steaks and grilled herb potatoes! Ready for a recipe? Knew it.

Grilled Herb Potatoes

2 Lbs Gold or Yellow-Skinned Potatoes (we used about 1 pound)
1/4 Cup chopped mixed herbs like Parsley, Chives, Rosemary, and Oregano (in the cupboard I had Rosemary, Oregano, and Basil; still good)
2 Cloves Garlic, smashed (I used 1)
1/3 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Lemon Wedge plus additional for serving

Prepare your gas grill for direct-heat cooking over medium-high heat. (I don't know what that means, Matthew did the grilling. But I'm sure that you can make them on a charcoal grill too.)
Cut potatoes into 1/2-inch-thick slices and cook in a large pot of well-salted boiling water for 10 minutes. (they will not be cooked through)
Meanwhile, stir together herbs, garlic, oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper in a large shallow dish. (most def forgot to add the salt and pepper in this step. also still good)
Drain potatoes well and transfer to herb oil, tossing gently to coat.
Place potatoes onto a double layer of foil. Fold the foil over and roll the edges together to enclose the potatoes. Place the foiled potatoes onto your grill, turn them once or twice, until tender... about 7ish? minutes. (like I said, Matthew did the grilling) Return the potatoes to the herb oil and toss again. Squeeze lemon wedge over potatoes. Season with salt and serve with additional lemon wedges.

Real good. Matthew came in right after I put the potatoes into the herb oil the first time and was excited because they smelled so good! What a nice boy. Like I said, real good. Try them.

I can't add pictures of my recipes because I can't take good ones. They don't look tasty or pretty. Maybe one day.

Another recipe? You bet. One of my favorites, adjusted to my mini oven in which I have to rotate things half way through so that one side is not more done than the other....

Claudia's Lemon Bars

Short Bread:
1/2 Cup Butter, softened
1/4 Cup Powdered Sugar
1 Cup Flour

Mix well together and press into a greased 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes (golden brown).

4 Eggs
2 Cups Sugar
2/3 Cup Lemon Juice
2 Teaspoons Lemon Zest
1/3 Cup Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder

Cream all together well. Pour over crust and bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 still.
After the filling has been baked, brush with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Delicious. I. LOVE. LEMON. BARS. I like mine really lemony so I keep adding the lemon juice and zest until I feel like its good. Try these as well. Do it.