Friday, June 8, 2012

Softball Hottie

New Member of the Family, not funny? I laughed to myself as I started writing it. Dangit.

Member how I said Matthew was playing softball? He's playing for a team in the Mendon league and his team is half old guys and half young guys. Last night he hit is first HOME RUN!! Look at how good he looks in his uniform...
Yeah! Here's another one...
I think he looks good. He's playing 3rd base. And I'm pretty sure that it is not his favorite. But it may not be his favorite because hardly anyone else on his team takes it as seriously as he does. And no one else tries as hard as he does to win. They have played 5 games and their closest score has been 12 to 18. Last night they lost 9 to 22..... :( Its a good thing that they play in Mendon so that he can cool off on the long drive back home. Maybe next week. Maybe. But even if not, I still like him.

Last night when we got home, I made the BEST milkshakes [you're welcome Matthew]. They included Dreyer's vanilla ice cream, fresh sliced-frozen strawberries, and Minute Maid Tropical Punch. They were awesome. Just saying.

As if the milkshakes weren't enough treat for the night, I made some Banana Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting. [Don't worry, we didn't eat them until this morning.] Recipe? Sure...
This comes from the kitchen of the Skabelunds. But I also had them at grandma Karen's house, so I don't know where it came from. Somewhere in that line. But Shelley gave me a giant stack of recipes that she knows Matthew will eat. These were included...

1/2 Cup Softened Margarine (I used butter, didn't think it would make a difference)
2 Cups Sugar
3 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Mashed Ripe Bananas (I used 2 bananas that I had saved in the freezer)
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
2 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt

Cream together margarine and sugar. Beat in eggs, bananas, and vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt; add to creamed mixture. (I didn't combine the dry ingredients separately, just put them in the same bowl and combined them all.) Mix well. Pour into a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 25 minutes at 350. Let cool. (Member my mini oven? I had to flip the cookie sheet around half way through. Then they were done earlier than expected. Basically my oven is severely inconsistent. Rude)

1/2 Cup Softened Butter
1 8oz. Package Cream Cheese, Softened
4 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 Teaspoons Vanilla

Cream butter and cream cheese together. Gradually add sugar and vanilla. Beat well and spread over cooled bars. (We own a beater, but I'm pretty sure that I've only used it once since we got it for our wedding. [Please don't tell those nice people that bought it for us.] Last night I used a fork, the sugar being gradually added kept getting harder and harder to stir with my fork, pretty sure my right bicep is swollen today. Maybe, not.)

The bars could have used a little more banana, and they were a tad bit too done, but the frosting is DELICIOUS. I'm not disappointed, but Matthew hasn't said that they were good and he's only eaten one. That is usually a bad sign. But do not be deterred, they are great.


  1. Big pat on your back for TRYING to please Mr. Picky AND for making the homemade frosting. I usually take the easy way out and do store bought, but it's definitely NOT as yummy.

  2. I cant believe you used a fork to mix frosting... you must have great patience.

    1. I think I was avoiding writing a paper that night.
