Friday, June 15, 2012

Did You Know...

that studying, writing papers, and taking tests during the summer blows? Truth.

that Mac n' Cheese with Hotdogs is one of my favorite things since being small? Fact.

that Matthew's initials are M. M. and mine are E. E.? C'est vrai.

that I like buttons and have started a small collection? Its true, I can see them sitting on my coffee table.

that this week has been a rollercoaster? Not a fun one.

that I get to wear pink and purple shirts to work now? I wore pink today.

that Martin could still do this?

I think he surprised us all last night. We still didn't win :(.

that I love Sunkist? You didn't? Then you must not know me.

that I am listening to Glee on Pandora? Total Eclipse of the Heart.

that I am still avoiding writing my paper? Stupid Fall of the Roman Empire.



  1. That Martin could bend down on one knee? Old roofing trick! ;) (Crack myself up!)

    Mac/cheese/dog--been making it since I was 12. Delicious.

    Best Glee mash-up: Young Girl/Don't Stand So Close to Me from season 1. Let me know if you want a copy!


  2. LOL I love your post Liz. I miss your face. I hope you're having fun and before you know it you'll be done with classes - just keep telling yourself that ;)
