Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Update On:

My Grandpa Quilt. I showcased the quilt as my 'talent' for the Mortensen Christmas Talent Show. It was all wrapped up, and I made Grandpa open it.
I. Made. My. Grandpa. Cry.
Later he told some of us where all of his neckerchiefs (...neckerchieves? neckerchiefs.) were from and when he got them.
Can you say SUCCESS!?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hey Guess What.

Did I finish my Grandpa quilt? YES. I. DID.
Ready to see it? Good, I'm pretty proud.
COMMENCE the pictures!!

Looks good right? If you don't think so you should compare it to THIS.
Either way, Grandpa will be excited when he gets this for Christmas. And he will love it. Success.

Monday, December 10, 2012

SCED 4200: Blog Post 5

This post is a final synthesis of the course as a whole.  I am to tell you what I've learned and how I will incorporate it into my classroom. Ready for it? Good.

In this course I learned many different strategies to use to bring literacy into the classroom.  Some of my favorites have been with vocabulary instruction, BDA reading strategies, and the use of multiple types of text in classes.

Using critical literacy in Social Studies is gettin easier and easier.  With the inquiry method, students have to think for themselves.  They use documents provided to come up with a solution or their own answers to questions posed.  Students use their critical literacy to be their own historians.

Using BDA reading strategies with a text can insure that a student comprehends what is being read.  The Before reading could be some background instruction as a group, During could be a concept map filled out individually, and After activity could be a group discussion to find out what we have all learned.

Teaching Vocabulary in Social Studies can be easy.  It can be used as a BDA activity, vocabulary worksheets and word comparisons and all kinds of other things.

Overall I enjoyed this course. Amy was great and had examples for everything that were all helpful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SCED 4200: Self-Selected Project

For my Self-Selected Project I chose to describe unit I created for my Curriculum and Assessment course.  This unit is for the Geography for Life course typically taught to 9th graders.  This unit is titled Interactions of Physical and Human Systems.  The lesson plans go as follows:  The Layers of the Earth and Plate Tectonics, Erosion, Natural Resources, Pollution, and Migration.

(A) The Essential Questions for the unit are:  What are the physical processes of the Earth that affect humans?  What impact do humans have on their environmental surroundings?  What impact do humans have on the Earth?  How do human activities harm the Earth?  What are some effects of migration on humans and the earth?

(B) The Texts that are used throughout the unit are:  A Glog that I created on Plate Tectonics (found HERE).  A Bill Nye Volcano video (found HERE) until 2:20 minutes in.  A Layers of the Earth and Plate Tectonics tutorial (found HERE) through the Yellowstone slide.  A song about Erosion (found HERE).  A Lego video about resources (found HERE).  Two 'We All Live Downstream' videos (found HERE and HERE).  A Deforestation and Pollution video (found HERE) from 0:56 to 4:06.  A selection from the Migration chapter of James M Rubenstein's The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography.

(C) Comprehension Instruction or Critical Literacy Instruction:  In the Migration lesson plan, the students are presented with a problematic situation in which they are to "Imagine that you are in charge of providing for and caring for your family.  The place that you live is changing and is no longer the best  place for you to continue to successfully provide for and care for your family.  What are you going to do in order for you to be able to continue to successfully provide for and care for your family?"  Students are prompted to work with their small groups to come up with some solutions to the situation and discuss the solutions as a glass.

(D) Vocabulary Instruction:  In the Erosion lesson plan, the class uses the Concept Definition map to create their own definitions of Erosion.

(E)  Writing Instruction:  In the Pollution lesson plan, there is an assignment for students to complete the Ecological Footprint quiz on-line.  After the students go through the quiz they are to write a 1 page reflection on their footprint and what they might be able to do to reduce their footprint.  The reflection is graded on a rubric that was created by the instructor.

(F)  Integrated Digital Technologies:  The Glog I created requires students to use the on-line digital resource to complete a quiz for the unit.  Other videos and on-line resources help the students to create connections between the lesson plan subjects.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Saw This Pin...

That talked about the 15 mandatory wedding photos that made me think about what I got out of my wedding photos. And what an awesome job my sister Danielle and my friend Belinda (SHOUTOUT) did for us. Ready to see more of my wedding pictures than you've probably ever seen? [Except maybe Sharmi] Ok, shall we....
So the website is Apple Brides, their list of mandatory photos starts with:
#15 Accessories:
Danielle took both of these, for my bridals. Don't you love my shoes? And my brooch? Cause you should. More,
Belinda took these ones. They are actual wedding day photos. Matthew looked so sharp. Awesome.

#14 Decorations:

  These pictures are just some generalizations of how awesome the place looked. They are from various cameras, I don't know whose, but I like em! Yes those are paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I climbed up the ladder to hang one and my dad told me to get down and make one of my brothers do it for me.
#13 Getting Ready Bride:
This was for our formal pictures. I don't really have any of these, I'm ok with that.
#12 Getting Ready Groom:

Also for formals. He's a nice man to take so many pictures with me.
#11 Bridal Party:

Parents and siblings wore pink or green. (Both of these from Belinda)
#10 Wedding Kids:

One of my favorite pictures of Andy.

Two of my favorite small people. Chet and Rachael.
#9 Bride and Father:
We actually have one of these. (Thanks to Belinda)

Doesn't he look so happy to be there?
#8 Play Around:

Ready to leave.
Brothers brought mustaches. And shared. Don't you love the Elder Jacob cutout? (Belinda)
#7 Be Our Guest:

I don't know how many random people want a cameo on my blog, but I know that Aunt Sharmi won't care!

#6 The Ceremony:
Obviously I don't have one of these. That's ok.
#5 The Reception:
Elder Jacob was in two corners of the room.

We're pretty Legit.
#4 The Couple's Shot: (B)

#3 The First Dance:
We most def didn't dance.
I combine the next two...
#2 The First Look/#1 The First Kiss:
My ultimate favorite. Thank you miss B. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Had to.

Monday I had to purchase 2 of these bad boys out of the vending machine at the middle school.

So as not to go on an angry rampage. Don't judge.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Caved...

Matthew put up our Christmas tree today.
He wanted to put it up before Halloween, NO. But he's been bugging me about it and I finally caved. All that is on it right now are snowmen, snowflakes, and stars. I told him we would have to make some turkeys to put on it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did you VOTE?!

I did!!

Just to prove it I gave you the cheesiest picture I've taken in a long time.
Get yourself out there and VOTE!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pumpkin Carvers!

Just to let you all know, I'm pretty awesome at carving pumpkins. (yes I'm bragging) Don't believe me, I'll give you some examples....

Pretty Legit. Thas Miss Sara's pumpkin behind mine. (SHOUTOUT)
One is mine and one is Whit's, but I carved them both.

You can bet which one is Matthew's.
This year, 2012:
 My Minion.

 Matthew's Clay.

 Our 'S'.
Like I said, pretty Legit. Don't be too jealous.

Pitch Perfect

I went to the movies the other night... Last night? Yes, last night. Me and my buddy SCMEACHAM (SHOUTOUT) went and saw Pitch Perfect.
But for reals.
Fat Amy is hilarious and has the greatest lines like... "Oh, here it comes. Lesbihonest." and "Aca-believe it!"

Totally predictable, a little bit cheesy, but Stace and I were both busting up almost the entire movie. Best 8 bucks I've spent recently.

P.S. You can watch some awesome clips HEREHERE, and HERE. And an Aca-AWESOME song HERE.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SCED 4200: Blog Post 4

Digital Literacy
I didn't chart my digital technology usage over a week, I think if I did it would depress me. And make me feel lazy. And dependant on my computer. Like I already know I am. And my phone, and iPod, and tv.... You get the idea.
SO! My uses of technology:
1. My Phone: I use it to communicate with my husband, my family, my friends, my work, to take pictures, keep short notes for myself, and to try to keep my sanity while bored.
2. My IPod: is my baby. I cannot leave the house without it. I just have an iPod Classic so its not a terribly fancy thing, but I love it. I use it to listen to my music, watch some movies, and MOST DEF to keep my sanity.
3. My Computer: its my second laptop, my other one got really old, really fast. I use it to surf, write, keep tract of photos, communicate, the uze (usual).
Its pretty often that I have my eyes fixed on a screen, maybe multiple. At this second I am watching netflix on tv and writing my blog post, can you say multi-task? I like to read blogs, I'll read top stories on Yahoo! if they catch my interest, and I try to stay updated on the nonsensical things that happen on facebook and pinterest.... yeah.
I'm in a history course right now in which we have an online textbook. It offers chapters on different pages and you can access quizzes through different windows. Pretty legit.
With social studies in mind, I really enjoyed the Glogger that we were introduced to the other day. You can create online posters that can be interactive with videos, images, text, documents, links, etc. Also pretty cool. These glogs can be accessed by specific classes and used for outside media brought into class. Another great resource online are primary and secondary documents, you can find practically anything online.
When we started to use Glogger the other day, it was hard to get started cause we didn't know what to do or how to do it. Eventually we figured out what we needed and then it got fun. Giving students access to these texts and letting them create them is an awesome activity. Be sure to give instruction on how to use a specific site, and allow time for experiments and questions. Anything that the students come up with can be exciting.
Thoroughly enjoy technology. Awesome.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Backporch Buddy

One of my lovely friends was telling me the other day, as I was eating her ice cream, that she had gone to visit her lady doctor for the first time. Late last night as I was not sleeping, I remembered this and thought that I should have shared with her my favorite lady doctor story. Ready for it? Its a doozy...
Once upon a time I was at the lady doctor's. I reminded my doctor that lady-doctor-time-of-year was NOT my favorite time of year. She told me that it wasn't her favorite time of year either. I didn't know if she meant my time of year to come see her or her time of year to go see her own lady doctor. I prefer to think it was her own lady doctor experience. But I still think it is hilarious.
You may laugh now.

Also, on an unrelated note, its always a good day when you get to talk to your bestie:)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chunk It Out

I took this photo today as I was walking to my car after school....
Don't worry, it is both autumn and winter this day. Don't forget it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday School Soapbox

Want to know something awful?
Matthew and I get to teach 12 year old Sunday School.
That's not the awful part. Just wait.
Imagine that you are me. A 23 year old girl. There are 5 12-13 year old boys in your class. And you have to teach them about chastity. 'What is chastity?' Good question young one. When I explain it to them- chastity is staying morally or sexually clean- half of them look up with a horrified expression and then look to the floor for the remainder of the lesson, one starts to giggle cause I just said sex, and the rest continue to sit in silence.
Joy. While this is a very important topic for these small people to learn, I wish that I didn't have to teach them about it. I made Matthew help with the strongest quotation, he thanked me for that later. And when we were finishing up we asked for questions, one of the boys said, 'If I have questions, I'll just ask my dad- not you.' That's fine. Please do talk to your dad about it.
Since the missionary age change happened, and the senior year of high school has turned into the freshman year of college, these kids need to know this stuff now. There is no time for them to learn by trial and error.
I'm no parent, this we know, but do you teach your kids about this stuff before they are 13? Or is that just too hopeful?
Don't know- don't judge.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Once upon a time I pinned a recipe for mint chocolate chip cookies- I captioned it:
"Grinch cookies. Matthew loves the grinch."
Not that I think I am cool, but it has been re-pinned 270 times. Besides that people are lazy, I wanted to see if any of them also thought that Matthew loves the grinch. They definitely did. PEOPLE, GET YOUR OWN HUSBANDS TO TALK ABOUT, please! Leave my Matthew out of it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Good News

4 Football wins this week. The Aggies won. The Packers won. And I won both of my Fantasy matchups. I know you were concerned about that. Its even better because last week there were 4 losses. Boo last week. Yay this week.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SCED 4200: Blog Post 3

Connecting School and Home Experiences
I don't remember having 'prototypical' experiences with social studies.
Actually, now that I think about it, my parents took us to some historical monuments when we were little.
I remember going to Promontory Point when I was younger. We went to the railroad site, went into the visitor center, watched the show, it was a lot of fun for me as a kid.
That's the only one that I can think of off the top of my head right this minute.
SO. I can see some ways to draw students' background knowledge in the social studies curriculum.
In geography, we can call on any memories of places that students have lived or visited and note the differences.
In U.S. history, students can bring in what they know of their families lives and heritage while living in the United States.
Lots of past experiences can help students to draw ties from social studies to their own lives.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Frost Has Spoken

Today when I left for school, this is what I saw in my garden...
Gross right? Frost came last night and killed all of my plants. Good thing my mom was here last night and I picked all of my squash for her to take home.
After some help from my friend Sarah, (yeah, SHOUTOUT) I picked the pumpkins!
See, look...

They are pretty awesome. Just ask me.
Did you get anything good from your gardens?

SCED 4200: Blog Post 2

Affective Dimensions of Reading
Let's just get this straight right now, I love to read. It allows me a way to escape the world that I am in and go to another. I learn big words from reading. I like to read some of my favorite books over and over again, each time I can find or understand something that I did not see before, and my favorite parts always make my heart smile. I love to read. I might call myself a good reader, but only cause you ask.
Favorite books:
Crown Duel - Sherwood Smith - absolutely LOVE it.
Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine - Favorite line... "Our hands knew each other. Char looked at me, startled. 'Have we met before, Lady?'"
Nicole - Jack Weyland - What kind of person would I be owning 30+ Weyland books and not having one on my favorites list?
When I was in elementary school I had a hard time when I was learning how to read. I had to go to a reading specialist in the school every week. Once I got the hang of it, I haven't stopped.
Matthew is always telling me that I have too many books. I don't think he understands.
The only time that I hate reading, is when I am assigned something to read. If I get to pick it, there is no problem but as soon as someone tells me that I have to, uh uh. Not going to happen.
Growing up, I often saw my father reading a variety of books. He always reads his scriptures, in English and Spanish. And he always reads books about surveying or engineer stuff. But he would also read a lot of other random books. And we always had a huge bookshelf filled with old classics.
When I have my own class, my students will have to read. I think if they are assigned a genre or a time period to read about, they should be able to choose a book. This should help them be more inclined to actually read it. Primary source documents are very important in social studies. When choosing primary source documents for my classes, I can try to find some that my students can find interesting or even related to.
Never seen me write so much? Don't get used to it.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Month, Almost

Member that one time that I made a sweeter than awesome calendar? Matthew is in charge of updating it each month. He just made it be October and was really excited about the top...

He told me a few times that he made a bloody 2012. He's cute.
Happy sabbath, and October.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Raise your hand if you care.

When I have a hard time falling asleep I think of things that I can blog about. 2 nights ago I more than quadrupled my list, so I decided to start cutting it down and blogging anything. Before I do, please raise your hand if you care.
What do I mean by that? Really? I am under no disillusion that many masses of people read my blog. But I do know that some of you do. Like what I've said? Tell me. Did you know that you can leave comments on each of my blog posts? Truth. Hate something that I said? Tell me, nicely. When I ask a question to the masses, I would like more than one or two comments. Wouldn't you? Let's see... anything else?... Don't think so.
Look at what I'm growing!!

It just keeps growing and growing. Don't worry, my pumpkin plant has at least 5 giant vines but only 2 pumpkins- both on the same vine. The other one is not quite as big. I am proud of them though.
I don't know what else to say for now, I'll work some more on my list later.
Later, yo.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2001

I know that everyone has something to say about this today, but nobody reads my blog so I can say what I want.
This morning I was working on my Visual Image Analysis Paper that I had put off till last night.  I had chosen a picture of the World Trade Center between jet attacks.  Its a really moving picture. Don't believe me? I'll show you.
While writing my paper I got the chance to reflect on my own experience of this day 11 years ago...
  The news was on as I was getting ready for school that day, I saw the story but didn't think anything of it.  Kinda just thought it had been an accident.  By the time I got to school, the second plane had crashed.  We watched the news throughout the day in some of our classes.  Some of my teachers didn't want us to see it, that or the principal.  But other teachers decided that we needed to watch it.  I'm glad they did.  Being only 12 years old at that time, I didn't really understand what was going on.  My teachers who had the news on in their classrooms were able to explain some of what was happening, but not why.  There were other students in the school who had family in the World Trade Center and around it that day, those kids went home.  I don't remember more from that day or what I learned about the attacks after that day.
I have added the September 11th Memorial onto my Bucket List.
What do you remember of that day?

Brother Missionaries

Don't you love how sharp both of these boys, AHEM, Men, look!?

Jacob is home from Chicago now, and Jonathan leaves shortly to Spokane.  These kids make me feel old.  I hope that they feel old too.
Love you brother and brother.

Monday, September 3, 2012

SCED 4200: Introduction

Hello all, I am Liz Skabelund. I am studying Social Studies Composite Teaching. I would love to teach 9th grade Geography or US History in high school.
In my time away from school and work I enjoy hanging out with my husband, Matthew.
I also love to read, watch movies, sew quilts, and lounge around.
Formerly Liz Mortensen of the Mortensen clan of Syracuse, UT. I am the 3rd child out of 9. Graduated high school in '07 from Clearfield High School. I have been studying at Utah State University since that fall. (Don't even start talking to me about how long I've been studying, I'm almost done)
I want to teach social studies because when I was going to school, those were the classes that I enjoyed the most. I had teachers that engaged the class, brought in new mediums to teach us with, and listened to the concerns of their students. These teachers made the classes enjoyable for me.
What is literacy to me? I think in class the other day I defined it as: the ability to read and/or understand and then apply information that is presented through text, object, lecture, conversation, observation, or other form of communication. (or something like that)

So, Remember How...

I had to start this blog for one of my classes last semester? It would only be fitting that I have to use it for another class along the way. SO. As a word to the wise, I will be required to create 6 blog posts for my SCED 4200 class throughout this semester. Why am I telling you this? So you won't have to read them. Unless you want to. If you even read the blog.
These 6 upcoming posts will include a disclaimer for any actual readers that don't want to read my assignments. Blah blah blah. Titled with SCED, first line: posting for my class, boring as all get out = no need to bother.
Also, remember how I have 3 assignments due this Wednesday? RUDE.
On a lighter note, can we all just love and remember the fact that I got to fill out the first step of my graduation packet last week? Thank. You.
Second light note, Jacob comes home Wednesday. Yes.
Any questions? Good.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

WICKED: Question to the Masses

Once upon a time, Matthew bought me (I mean us) tickets to go see WICKED last Christmas. He's a wonderful man. And he gets 12HUNDRED points. We finally got to go and see it last night with the Skabelunds. It. Was. AWESOME.

Best part of the story? (My story, not WICKED's story.) Our tickets got thrown away during the after-Christmas-cleanup. We had to wait until the day of the performance to get duplicate tickets. See...

Duplicate Tickets.

Before the show, we accidentally ended up eating dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Since we didn't have reservations, we got to eat dinner at the bar. Don't worry, I left my id in the truck. Matthew went and got it for me. Like I said, wonderful man. I am very glad that Martin felt the need to be so kind, they were super expensive. But can I just say, BEST steak I've ever had.

One thing that I learned, if you want a specific picture, take it before the show. Cause after, everyone is taking that same picture, and they ain't gonna move.

These are the only pictures that I did get.

We tried to get the Capital Theater sign in it. It didn't work, so...

I took one from across the street. And, I purchased one of these:

Don't worry Shelly B., yours is in the bag.

Today after church I was listening to the Broadway soundtrack again to jog my memory for this post and redecided on my favorite part. Don't worry, it hasn't changed since last night. My favorite part of the show was at the end of the first act. Defying Gravity is such a strong song anyway, but hearing it in the context for which it was written made it even more so. I loved it. Huge fan of Elphaba BTDUB. Matthew and I decided that we would have to watch the Wizard of Oz again to see if the Wicked Witch of the West fit into Elphaba's character at all in that movie. Maybe eventually that'll happen.

So I've had the Broadway soundtrack for a couple/few years and have loved it. I added WICKED to my Bucket List and Matthew delivered. Once again, wonderful man. He. ROCKS. It was awesome to hear the songs in their actual context instead of just the songs by themselves. If you don't know anything about WICKED, look it up. I have the whole soundtrack, apparently there is a book, and they are currently doing a North American Tour. Chunk it out!

Just a Question to the Masses: I need some clarification on the 'Rules' of a Bucket List. Just from your own perspective or interpretation. Can I add things to my Bucket List that have already been crossed off? Like, 'I have already done this awesome thing at some point in my life, I'm really glad that I got to do that before I die!'...? Any thoughts?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

My First Harvest

Good thing that I had to plant my seeds THREE times this summer! Today I got to pick up these little beauties...

Matthew will eat them and he will like them.

I was so excited to see them on my plants yesterday that I took a picture of each one on my phone. I didn't think that anyone would be as excited about them as I was so I didn't send them to anyone. Lucky, I told my friend Shelly, (SHOUTOUT) and she was excited enough with me to want to see them.

Also, after I got home late from work Matthew pretended to be excited with me and looked at my pictures. And gave me a high5.

Just workin' my way up in the world as a 'gardener'!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

2nd Thing

This summer has been rough for us.
 Details aren't really important.
That is why I've been kinda missing.
 But Look at my new shoes!!!

My first pair of Chucks. I'm 23, its ok.

A Couple of Things: 1st Thing

Look at what I made!

My Bestie Whit and her husband Nathan (SHOUTOUT, they are that cool) just moved across the country to Florida. They are going to graduate school. With a move that big, and a moving company that can't get your stuff to your new place until a week and a half after you arrive, makes for some important things missing. You cannot fit everything you need in a little car. Just saying. SO. I made Whit and Nathan a "Moving Essentials Box."

I'm such a great friend, just ask me.

The Moving Essentials Box...

So i got a big Rubbermaid tub thing from Wal-Mart and put all of the things that I got into the brown paper bags to separate them.

In the Bathroom Bag are these things...

A package of TP, a shower curtain liner and rings, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste and toothbrushes, a candle with matches and a lighter.

In the Kitchen Bag...

A roll of paper towels, plastic plates and cups, some silverware, treats, and most important, OREOS.

In the E'rything Else Bag...

A first-aid kit, lysol disinfecting wipes, a box of light bulbs, a flashlight WITH batteries, a fridge notepad, tape, scissors, a screwdriver, and some ibuprofen.

I also included 2 large bottles of water, cause peeps get thirsty. And a bottle of Sparkling Cider.

Cause sometimes you gotta celebrate.

On the top of the box I put this sign...

Load Last, Unload First
The note gave a few suggestions about other things that you may want to include that are not included in the box.

Apparently it was helpful. I hope so.
At least it is beautiful weather in Florida right now.

The end of 1st Thing.